Da Dao I - "The Bulgarian Martial Art"
The book is about the roots and the history of the Bulgarian martial art and its place in the field of martial arts
published: March 1999
total pages: 120 -
format: A5
total pictures: 21 -
price: - lv.
total charts: 17
published: March 1999
Da Dao II - "The Warrior in Us"
It is about the willingness and state of mind one needs to practice Da Dao and to call himself a warrior.
published: October 1999
total pages: 214 -
format: А5
price: - lv.
published: October 1999
Da Dao III - "Da Dao - Basis of the Martial Art"
In the book we can find information on the techniques, the training methods, different ways of fighting, hierarchy, tactics, strategies, combinations and philosophy of the martial art. This is the best book ever...
published: October 2002
total pages: 400 -
format: B5
total pictures: 1350 -
price: 30 lv.
total charts: 86
published: October 2002